• +92 304 (780) 0419
  • info@iempakistan.org
  • Khaliq Nagar, Youhnabad Lahore - Pakistan

Independent Evangelical Ministries

Evangelism - Education - Care

Have a heart to serve the Lord in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

Welcome to the Independent Evangelical Ministries

Independent Evangelical Ministries, is Church development department of One Vision Society working for the promotion of Pastors Network and Church development.  One Vision Society is a humanitarian non-governmental organization (NGO) that is dedicated to improving the lives of marginalized and vulnerable communities in Pakistan. Established with the aim of creating a society where everyone has access to basic human rights and services. One Vision Society is committed to provide emergency relief in natural or made disasters, and to promoting sustainable development and driving positive change.

Warm Clothing Distribution in Gypsies | Social Welfare Organization in Pakistan

Christmas is not a session, it’s a feeling!, hello dear readers/friends, I really would like to share my heart with your heart, because its a heart issue, we have been celebrating Christmas over the years and looking how people celebrate their Christmas, the real meaning of Christmas is to wear new clothing? Having parties? Having alcohol? Eating lots of food? NO! these are not the really meaning or means of celebrating Christmas, Jesus Christ is born once, when He come to the World in about 2000 years ago, NOW he is standing in front of our doors of hearts to come in. if we will let him in, we will understand the real meaning of Christmas, We will start sharing happiness, blessing, and whatever we have in us, we can only share what we have in us, If we have Christ in us, we can share Christ with other but if we have evil in us, we will only be able to share evil with others, many of us already have Christ in us and we never let him work in us, in this Christmas, let the Christ work in you. We, as Christian faith based nonprofit welfare organization in Pakistan, working in street children and Christian youth in Pakistan and helping them growing in faith and making the able to understand the real meaning of being Christian, we are doing our part, we can you, let do what is on your end. Blessed are whose who blessed others, start blessing others to bless yourself and help others to help yourself.  May the Lord Continue to bless you, your family and whatever you do.We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. 

Our other websites

One Vision Society is a mother organization registered with the Government of Pakistan under Societies Registration 1860 and Punjab Charity Commission. 

Pakistan Urdu Bible Project |Our vision is to see the word of God in the hands of believers and all others who desire to have a copy for thier personal use all over the country.

A home for the homeless Chilren – Smile Orphanage is a subsidiary of One Vision Society, we adopt the children without parents and love them like parents!

Pakistan Brick Kiln Mission | We aim to provide groceries, amenities and appliances to low-income famile at brick kilns – fight against modern slavery – set families free.

Pakistan’s First Online Urdu Bibles Store in Pakistan. An online Urdu Bible store in Pakistan offers the best price of Urdu Bibles in the country.

If you want to read more about the Founder and Chairman One Vision Society,  Pastor Shakeel Din, please click below to visit his webiste. shakeeldin.com

Independent Evangelical Ministries, a division of One Vision Society strongly believe in investing in lives over investing in building, To help others, we have started projected named FOODBOX | open the box of happiness to show people the image of God in us, because people know us by our acts, this is project we feeds people living on roads, and whose who have noting to eat. our Evangelism team also find out the daily wages workers standing on the roads to waiting for someone to come and pick them to work, we feed them too, because in many cases these labor stand on the road with empty stomach. There are so many points where these workers stand together in group of 100 to 150 people, this group points help our volunteers to reach them easily and feed them on the road. for better understanding please feel free to watch the video. 

Child Fellowship Center is a division of One Vision Society , Child Fellowship Center is place like Sunday School Ministry. Our focus is equip and establish the foundation of streel children and giving them hope for a brighter future. Currently we have taking care of 250 to 300 street child, providing them free education, food and taking care of them. Our evangelism team visit different place and share good news of the Gospel with them through Wordless book. Evangelism in children gave great fruit and response, we have seen very good result of evangelism in streel children. by the commission of God, we are expanding our mission into different rural areas all over the Pakistan. The video you are looking at left is just a little idea what we are doing, the mission field is very big. we have so many other areas that need to be reached with the Good News of the Gospel but with limited funds it on pending, if God leads you to partnership with us and stand with us for promote street children and orphans in Pakistan please feel free to write us at info@iempakistan.org

Pastor Din Masih | Pastor Shakeel Din

Founder and Chairman Independent Evangelical Ministries

I was a simple rural person. In 1991, when I lived in Quetta, Pastor Bashir Masih brought me to God. He baptized me in Hannah Lake. After baptism, I started work on harvest of Lord in Quetta with some of local pastors there. After four years, in 1995, I came to Lahore. Here I received a vision to serve the Lord in unfaithful people and un-reached areas of Pakistan. I have never go to school even for a single day but God shined his face upon me when I read the verse of Pro 02-10 “For wisdom will enter into your heart. Knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.” These words of God touch my heart deeply and then I joined Portable Bible School.

Pastor Din Masih

Portable Primary School By Independent Evangelical Ministries in Pakistan

Our Most Focused PRojects | Evangelism Ministry

Church Planting in Pakistan - IEM Pakistan

Church Planting

Church Planting is the main focus of Independent Evangelical Ministries, from 2001 to till we have planting 6 churches in different cities of Pakistan and working on…

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Children Evangelism in Pakistan - Sunday Schools in Pakistan (54)

Child Fellowship

Child Fellowship Ministry is where we build our future Harvest Workers. Because Sunday School is the foundation of strong Christians what’s why…

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Portable Primary School - IEM Pakistan


Education is the basic need of every one in this world. But unfortunately Christian community is so far from this need . To build spiritual and socially strong people…

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Recent Testimonies

My name is Shahzad Allah Ditta i am 25 year old i was using drugs like alcohol, cocaine, cigarette and whatever drugs my friends give me to take, one day i came to Independent Evangelical Ministries Church as usual when Pastor was preaching God touched my heart to make me feel to leave all kind of drugs. I prayed and decided to not take drug from now but after few days i started talking drugs again i came to Church Youth and share with them they helped me a lot and support me spiritually now i am strong believer and never take any kind of drugs again. i am so happy with this life.
Baptism - IEM Pakistan
Shahzad Allah Ditta
Youhanabad, Lahore
hello! my name is Guria Salamat i live near the Independent Evangelical Ministries Church. i got married in 1998 and didn't have any baby even after many year of marriage i took different kinds of medicine to be a mother of child but medicine never worked, one day i came to church and asked to Pastor Din Masih to pray for me i am so worried about it, He prayed on me and my husband and said God will blessed you with a baby next year just believe, if baby will be a girl name her Caroline and if baby will be boy name him Alisha, God blessed me with a baby girl Caroline very next year.
Portable Primary School By Independent Evangelical Ministries in Pakistan
Guria Salamat
Khaliq Nagar, Lahore

Testimonies always helps us to grow our faith

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Check out some of our work

Evangelism in Pakistan | Outreach Evangelism in Pakistan | Sunday Sunday School Ministry in Pakistan

Sataish Team

Mission Team


Volunteers team in child fellowship center


Physical activities in nearest ground

Sunday School Ministry

SUnday school teachers helping kids

Are you looking for Evnagelism Ministry in Pakistan.?

Free bibles in Pakistan | Free Urdu Bibles in Pakistan | Free Bibles for Pakistan | Free Bible distribution in Pakistan | Free Urdu Bible distribution in Pakistan | Get free Bibles in Pakistan | Urdu Bibles for Pakistan

Hello Friends! Urdu Bibles in Pakistan? Its expensive thing! A daily wages workers earned $5.00 to $6.00 a days in Pakistan and survive, it’s hard for poor people to afford an Urdu Bible, and Pakistan Bible Society sells Urdu Holy Bible for $5.00 each copy. Independent Evangelical Ministries distributing Urdu Bibles free of cost to the families in need and to the New Believers. We have distributed about 1200 in the beginning of 2022, and the need is BIG! Let’s help people getting out of the spiritual starvation.  

If God leads you to support the free Bible distribution in Pakistan please feel free to contact at info@iempakistan.org

Invest to keep a vision alive

We believe that together we can do more than we are doing alone so do what you can, use what you have and start where you are. Give little to change Big

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One Vision Society Urdu Bible Compaign for Outreach Trip